Talks and presentations

This page lists seminars and talks that I have given, and conferences I have organized.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2023

  1. 2023.03.25, Effective Field Theories : Effective Pathway to New Physics, (invited talk), Southwest Joint workshop on Particle Physics, Nuclear and Cosmology, ChongQing.

  2. 2023.03.31, EFT Perspective on Neutrino Masses and Interactions, (invited Plenary talk), Workshop on Neutrino and Cosmology, HIAS, HangZhou.

  3. 2022.05.20, EFT Perspective on Neutrino Masses and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, (invited talk), The 2nd Workshop on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, SYSU, Zhuhai.

  4. 2022.05.25, Effective Pathway to New Physics, (invited seminar), Seminar at TDLI Shanghai JIaotong U, Shanghai.

  5. 2023.07.04, Effective Field Theories for Weak Interactions and Neutrinos, (Invited Plenary talk),Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 2023, SYSU, Zhuhai.

  6. 2023.08.26, Effective Pathway to New Physics, (invited talk), FIND workshop on CP violation at electroweak scale and beyond, USTC, Hefei.

  7. 2023.09.07, Effective Field Theories : Effective Pathway to New Physics, (Invited talk), ICTP-AP seminar, Beijing.

  8. 2022.10.26, Chiral Effective Field Theory for QCD and Electroweak Theories, (Invited Plenary talk), The 8th Chiral EFT Workshop, Henan University, Kaifeng.

  9. 2023.11.02, Effective Field Theories : Effective Pathway to New Physics, (Invited talk), Seminar at Graduate school CAEP, Beijing.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2022

  1. 2022.02.11, EFT Operators and UV Correspondences, (invited lecture, online), International Meeting on Effective Pathways to New Physics, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India.

  2. 2022.03.27, Effective Pathway to New Physics: SMEFT, (invited seminar), HETH-Forum, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing.

  3. 2022.06.25, 太阳的奥秘:W玻色子、中微子与质量起源, 第18届中国科学院理论物理研究所公众科学⽇,ITP-CAS, Beijing.

  4. 2022.07.01, Effective Pathway to New Physics: SMEFT, (invited seminar, online), College of Nuclear and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou.

  5. 2022.07.11-12, Effective Field Theory, (Invited Lecture, online), Summer School on Dark Matter and New Physics, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing.

  6. 2022.10.08, 有效场论:基础和前沿介绍, (Invited Lecture, online), 高能物理前沿系列讲座(第一讲),Peking University, Beijing.

  7. 2022.10.16, Effective Operator Bases For SMEFT and Chiral EFT, (Invited talk, online), The 7th Chiral EFT Workshop, Southeast University, Nanjing.

  8. 2022.11.11, 通向新物理的有效途径: SMEFT和HEFT, (invited talk), The 16th TeV Working Group Conferences, Tsinghua University, Beijing.

  9. 2022.11.17, 太阳的奥秘:W玻色子、中微子与质量起源, (Invited lecture, online), 南开大学物理科学学院今日物理讲座,南开大学,天津.

  10. 2022.11.19, 通向新物理的有效途径: SMEFT和HEFT, (invited talk, online), 2022年中国物理学会秋季学术会议,南方科技大学,shenzhen.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2021

  1. 2021.04.12, EFT operator construction, Invited lecture at 2021 EFT School on collider phenomenology, USTC.

  2. 2021.04.15, Landscape of EFTs, Plenary talk at Higgs and EFT 2021 (HEFT 2021) international workshop, USTC.

  3. 2021.05.13, Operator basis for effective field theories, Invited seminar at Center for HEP, Peking University.

  4. 2021.05.22, Neutrino mass and 0vbb in EFT, Invited talk at Neutrinoless double beta decay workshop, Zhongshan University, Zhu-Hai.

  5. 2021.06.03, Effective Operator Bases for Standard Model and Gravity, Invited seminar at Tianjin University.

  6. 2021.06.09, Effective Operator Bases for Standard Model and Beyond, Invited online seminar at All things EFT Seminar Series, Online.

  7. 2021.08.07, Standard Model Effective Field Theory, Invited lecture at 2021 Summer School on collider phenomenology, Shandong University Qingdao.

  8. 2021.10.15, Effective Operator Bases for Standard Model and Beyond, Invited talk at International joint workshop on SM and beyond Online, NCTS.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2020

  1. 2020.02.13, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, Invited Seminar Particle Theory Group, Washington University in St. Louis.

  2. 2020.05.29, Nature of Higgs Boson: SMEFT, HEFT, or more?, 24th Mini-workshop on the frontier of LHC, Center for High Energy Physics, Peking University.

  3. 2020.06.10, Twin Cogenesis, Invited Seminar, College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Lanzhou University

  4. 2020.06.21, 暗物质的理论和探测方案,“冷原子、暗物质和引力波”专题研讨会

  5. 2020.06.27, 基本粒子和场论的新挑战,中科院理论物理研究所,夏令营

  6. 2020.07.31, Nature of Higgs Boson and Shape of Higgs Potential, Workshop on Electroweak Phase Transition and Higgs Physics, IHEP-CAS.

  7. 2020.09.03, Neutral Naturalness and Its Cosmological History, Scientific Week, Lanzhou University.

  8. 2020.12.01, Effective Field Theory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection, Workshop on Dark Matter and Neutrino Detection, SJTU Sichuan Research Center.

  9. 2020.12.12, Which EFT from Nature of Higgs: SMEFT, HEFT or more?, Workshop on Experiment and Theory Connection, Liaoning Normal University.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2019

  1. 2019.04.20, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, 14th TeV Physics Workshop, Nanjing Normal University.

  2. 2019.04.13, Invisible and Visible Axions, Dark Matter Workshop, ITP-CAS.

  3. 2019.06.07, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, 2nd Workshop on Frontier of Particle Physics, Sichuan University.

  4. 2019.07.20, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, Invited Seminar, Physics Department, Tsinghua University.

  5. 2020.07.30, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, APS Division of Particle and Fields Meeting, Northeast University, US.

  6. 2020.08.27, Invisible and Visible Axions, Workshop on Cosmology, Particle and Astrophysics, LiaoDong College.

  7. 2019.09.04, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, Invited Seminar, IHEP-CAS.

  8. 2019.11.03, EFT Perspective on Composite Higgs, Workshop on Chiral Field Theory, Hangzhou Normal University.

  9. 2019.11.18, Shape of Higgs Potential at Future Colliders, Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, IHEP-CAS.

  10. 2019.11.21, EFT Perspective on Composite Higgs and Neutral Naturalness, International Conference on Composite Higgs, Zhongshan University.

  11. 2019.12.18,Higgs Potential and Phase Transition, Workshop on Electroweak Phase Transition, T.D.Lee Institute, Shanghai.

Seminars and Conference Talks in 2018

  1. 2018.04.03, Higgs Cosmology, Invited Lunch Seminar, ITP-CAS.

  2. 2018.05.07, Neutral Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, Invited Seminar, Zhejiang University.

  3. 2018.05.11, Neutral Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, Invited Seminar, T.D.Lee Institute, Shanghai.

  4. 2018.06.09, Radiative Higgs and Heavy Top, Workshop on Frontier of Particle Physics, Yantai University.

  5. 2018.06.19, Neutral Naturalness, 10th Conference on High Energy Physics, Shanghai Jiaotong University.

  6. 2018.07.01, Neutral Naturalness: Radiative Higgs and Dark Matter, International Workshop on Physics Beyond SM, T.D. Lee Institute.

  7. 2018.08.15, Neutral Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, 10th Workshop on New Physics, Weihai.

  8. 2018.08.23, Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, Workshop on Cosmology and Particle Physics, LiaoDong College.

  9. 2018.08.29, Neutral Composite Higgs, Workshop on Chiral Field Theory, Jilin University.

  10. 2018.10.12, Twin 2HDM: Z2 Breaking and Dark Matter, Invited Seminar ACFI, University of Massachusetts Amherst.

  11. 2018.10.24, Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, Invited Seminar College of Physics and Technology, Huazhong Normal University.

  12. 2018.10.26, Hidden Gauged U1 For RK and RD Anomaly, 16th Conference on Heavy Flavor and CP Violation, Henan Science and Technology University.

  13. 2018.12.01, Naturalness in Post-naturalness Era, Invited talk, The southwest Theoretical Physics Conference, Chong-Qing University.

  14. 2018.12.21, Higgs Boson and New Physics, invited Plenary talk, The 4th China LHC Physics Conference, Huazhong Normal University.

Organized Conferences

  1. 2022.08.01 - 2021.08.07, 第十一届威海新物理研讨会,山东威海 indico page

  2. 2021.08.02 - 2021.08.08, 第十一届威海新物理研讨会,山东威海 (postponed) indico page

  3. 2019.10.14 - 2019.10.17, International KEK-KIAS-NCTS joint workshop on the Standard Model and beyond, Fragrant Hill Hotel, Beijing, indico page

  4. 2019.10.09 - 2019.10.13, New physics beyond the Standard Model, Peng Huanwu Innovation Research Center for Theoretical Physics (PICTP).

More conferences please look at ITP-INDICO page。

2017 and previous years

more will be added here ….