Softwares and Technical Notes
I usually write some small code/summary note to accelerate my research and sometimes write just for fun.
Some small softwares that I have written for my research (currently internal access)
ABC4EFT: The mathematica Package: Amplitude Basis Construction for Effective Field Theories. Available at HEPForge now.
SpinorCalc: spinor calculation. Will update.
AnRoot: Event simulations based on ROOT. Will update.
EventMC: small code on Monte Carlo event generator. Will update.
DMEFT: Effective field theory treatment on the dark matter direct detection. Will update.
nuEFT: Effective field theory treatment on the neutrino properties. Will update.
Some technical/summary notes I have written for my research (currently internal access)
effective field theory: framework and applications, will update
chiral Lagrangian and CCWZ description, will update
spinor helicity formalism, will update
review on new physics models, will update
quantum Boltzmann equation, will update
nuclear matrix element and response function, will update